The State of Diversity and Inclusion in the Legal Profession (Houston)

  • 22 Oct 2013
  • 8:30 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Baker Botts LLP - One Shell Plaza - 910 Louisiana - Houston
  • 55


  • For members of:
    - California Minority Counsel Program ("CMCP")
    - Chicago Committee
    - Coalition of Women's Initiatives in Law
    - Japanese American Bar Association ("JABA")
    - Lesbian and Gay Lawyers Association ("LGLA")
    - Multicultural Bar Alliance of Southern California
    - National Association of Women Lawyers
    - National LGBT Bar Association
    - National Native American Bar Association
    - State Bar of California
    - State Bar of Texas

Registration is closed

The U.S. legal profession has devoted a great deal of attention to issues of diversity and inclusion within its membership. What has been missing, however, are the coordination, communication, and cooperation needed to stay abreast of trends and developments and to learn about the many different facets of diversity, including the diversity within diversity. The IILP Review seeks to fill that void. It uniquely gathers data, academic research, personal observations, and analysis of current efforts. The Review reflects IILP’s desire to dig into the facts and to provide a forum for candid discussion. 


The IILP Review serves as the focal point for seven symposia that we are presenting around the country so that our profession can discuss these issues in person. We hope that you and others from your organization will join us at these symposia and share your thoughts and insights.

Each of the symposia on the state of diversity and inclusion in the legal profession features:

  • Highlights of the most current data and statistics about diversity within the legal profession;
  • Presentations on "diversity within diversity" and the implications for the legal profession; and,
  • A roundtable discussion about the state of diversity and inclusion in the legal profession in this city.

This program has been approved for 3 hours of Ethics Credit in Texas.


8:00 AM - 8:30 AM     Registration

8:30 AM - Noon          Program

Noon - 1:00 PM          Reception

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