Practising law in a law firm, chamber, corporate law department, government agency or charitable organisation is like a competitive sport. A strong offence is the key to success. There are different teams and divisions, star players and bench-warmers. And there are also rules. Rules of the Game is the playbook lawyers and law students need if they want to spend more time in the end zone than on the sidelines.
Rules of the Game teaches law students and newer lawyers, especially those who are BMEs, women, openly LGBT, or come from under-represented backgrounds the unwritten rules necessary to rise to – and thrive within – the highest levels of the legal profession.
Rules of the Game is a two hour interactive programme that trains smart law students and newer lawyers to be strategic, successful lawyers. Through interactive presentations, participants discover the competitive tools that they need to interpret, understand, function, survive and thrive in today’s legal environments.
Sharon Jones, CEO of Jones Diversity Group, will be presenting.
Networking Reception to follow.
Rules of the Game Program.pdf